Stefan Pavleski 

Arbeitslosigkeit in Südosteuropa im Kontext der EU-Integration

Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Mismatch und Institutionen

ISBN: 978-3-86956-421-0
284 pages
Release year 2018

Series: Potsdam Economic Studies , 7


This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay („Labor Market Policy in South East Europe: From transition to EU Integration“) discusses the economic and political developments in South East Europe since 1991, which have had a strong impact on the labor markets in the region. The analysis of the effect of unemployment (as a system-independent phenomenon) on the EU integration process of the post-Yugoslav countries (without Slovenia) and Albania is in the focus of this chapter of the dissertation.
What is the impact of mismatch between labor demand and labor supply on the unemployment rate in Croatia? In order to answer this question, the second essay („Unemployment in Transition: Qualification and Regional Mismatch in Croatia“) focuses on the mismatch in Croatia, which is analyzed statically by using mismatch indicators as well as dynamically within the matching function framework. The matching function is estimated by using panel data for nine occupational groups and 21 regions in the period between January 2004 and June 2015.
Does the introduction of a new unemployment benefit legislation according to EU standards lead to an improvement of labor market outcomes in South East Europe? In order to answer this question panel data for the period 1996–2014 for five Southeast European countries are being used in the third essay of the dissertation („Incomplete Integration: A Difference in Differences Analysis of the South East European Labor Markets“).

This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay („Labor Market Policy in South East Europe: From transition to EU Integration“) discusses the economic and political developments in South East Europe since 1991, which have had a strong impact on the labor markets in the region. The analysis of the effect of unemployment (as a system-independent phenomenon) on the EU integration process of the post-Yugoslav countries (without Slovenia) and Albania is in the focus of this chapter of the dissertation.
What is the impact of mismatch between labor demand and labor supply on the unemployment rate in Croatia? In order to answer this question, the second essay („Unemployment in Transition: Qualification and Regional Mismatch in Croatia“) focuses on the mismatch in Croatia, which is analyzed statically by using mismatch indicators as well as dynamically within the matching function framework. The matching function is estimated by using panel data for nine occupational groups and 21 regions in the period between January 2004 and June 2015.
Does the introduction of a new unemployment benefit legislation according to EU standards lead to an improvement of labor market outcomes in South East Europe? In order to answer this question panel data for the period 1996–2014 for five Southeast European countries are being used in the third essay of the dissertation („Incomplete Integration: A Difference in Differences Analysis of the South East European Labor Markets“).