– Kopftuchverbote im privatrechtlichen Arbeitsverhältnis im Lichte des unionsrechtlichen Diskriminierungsschutzes
– Bericht über die Tätigkeit des Menschenrechtsausschusses der Vereinten Nationen im Jahre 2019 – Teil I: Staatenberichte
Rosario Figari Layús, Eckart Klein, Victor Mauer, Gurgen Petrossian, Christoph Safferling, Azim Semizoglu, Leon Holger Switala, Marlene Wagner, René Wolfsteller
Logi Gunnarsson; Eckart Klein; Andreas Zimmermann (eds.)
75 pages, Zeitschriftenheft
Release year 2020
Series: MenschenRechtsMagazin : MRM ; Informationen, Meinungen, Analysen , 25 (2020) 1
12,50 €
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Detlev W. Belling, Attila Badó
Non-taxable transaction according to § 1 (1) UStG/VAT Act in combination with § 2 (3) UStG/VAT Act a. F. Providing this service, the University of Potsdam does not constitute a Betrieb gewerblicher Art/Commercial Institution according to § 1 (1) No. 6 or § 4 KStG/Corporate Tax Act. If the legal characterization of our business is changed to a commercial institution subsequently, we reserve the right to invoice VAT additionally.
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Add to cartLogi Gunnarsson, Eckart Klein, Andreas Zimmermann
Non-taxable transaction according to § 1 (1) UStG/VAT Act in combination with § 2 (3) UStG/VAT Act a. F. Providing this service, the University of Potsdam does not constitute a Betrieb gewerblicher Art/Commercial Institution according to § 1 (1) No. 6 or § 4 KStG/Corporate Tax Act. If the legal characterization of our business is changed to a commercial institution subsequently, we reserve the right to invoice VAT additionally.
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Add to cartLogi Gunnarsson, Adriana Kessler, Eckart Klein, Christian Lewke, Nina Reiners, Julius Rogenhofer, Johanna Weber, Norman Weiß, Andreas Zimmermann
Non-taxable transaction according to § 1 (1) UStG/VAT Act in combination with § 2 (3) UStG/VAT Act a. F. Providing this service, the University of Potsdam does not constitute a Betrieb gewerblicher Art/Commercial Institution according to § 1 (1) No. 6 or § 4 KStG/Corporate Tax Act. If the legal characterization of our business is changed to a commercial institution subsequently, we reserve the right to invoice VAT additionally.
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Add to cartNatalja Spitca, Pavel Golovnenkov
Non-taxable transaction according to § 1 (1) UStG/VAT Act in combination with § 2 (3) UStG/VAT Act a. F. Providing this service, the University of Potsdam does not constitute a Betrieb gewerblicher Art/Commercial Institution according to § 1 (1) No. 6 or § 4 KStG/Corporate Tax Act. If the legal characterization of our business is changed to a commercial institution subsequently, we reserve the right to invoice VAT additionally.
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