Ursula Gärtner
Ursula Gärtner (eds.)

www.BrAnD2. Wille.

Zweites Brandenburger Antike-Denkwerk

ISBN: 978-3-86956-354-1
177 pages
Release year 2017

Series: Potsdamer Lateintage , 8


The Potsdamer Lateintag was held in 2014 for the 10th time. The
anniversary provided an opportunity to present our new project. The
Robert Bosch-Stiftung is funding the cooperation between the Department
for Classics at the University of Potsdam and schools from Brandenburg
for the coming three years. The project is entitled: www.BrAnD2. Wille.
Würde. Wissen. Zweites Brandenburger Antike-Denkwerk. More than 500
participants came to the opening event on the topic of “Wille” (will).
This volume includes a report on the project, the lectures given by
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kunst and Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn as well as a
selection of the material provided by the mentoring students.

The Potsdamer Lateintag was held in 2014 for the 10th time. The
anniversary provided an opportunity to present our new project. The
Robert Bosch-Stiftung is funding the cooperation between the Department
for Classics at the University of Potsdam and schools from Brandenburg
for the coming three years. The project is entitled: www.BrAnD2. Wille.
Würde. Wissen. Zweites Brandenburger Antike-Denkwerk. More than 500
participants came to the opening event on the topic of “Wille” (will).
This volume includes a report on the project, the lectures given by
Prof. Dr. Christiane Kunst and Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn as well as a
selection of the material provided by the mentoring students.