Nina Frieß, Wolfgang Brylla, Michael Düring, Christine Engel, Lea Gladis, Clemens Günther, Renate Hansen-Kokoruš, Angela Huber, Ulrike Jekutsch, Ljuba Kirjuchina, Rüdiger Kunow, Nora Schmidt, Matthias Schwartz, Maria Smyshliaeva, Cornelia Soldat, Alfred Sproede, Olena Wehrhahn
Nina Frieß; Angela Huber (eds.)

Investigation – Rekonstruktion – Narration

Geschichten und Geschichte im Krimi der Slavia

ISBN: 978-3-86956-446-3
292 pages
Release year 2019


Crime fiction is a reliable gauge for a society’s inner condition. How a society deals with deviation is an indicator for its social and political environment. The common past unites and separates the states of Eastern Europe at the same time. Naturally, the fateful events of the 20th century found their way into the countries’ crime fiction. The literary texts analysed in this volume are as manifold as the countries and regions they deal with. On the one hand, the articles give an overview of the process of development and establishment of crime fiction in selected Slavic countries. On the other hand, they show current developments of this popular genre.

Crime fiction is a reliable gauge for a society’s inner condition. How a society deals with deviation is an indicator for its social and political environment. The common past unites and separates the states of Eastern Europe at the same time. Naturally, the fateful events of the 20th century found their way into the countries’ crime fiction. The literary texts analysed in this volume are as manifold as the countries and regions they deal with. On the one hand, the articles give an overview of the process of development and establishment of crime fiction in selected Slavic countries. On the other hand, they show current developments of this popular genre.