Chadi Bahouth

Der Konflikt um Wasser in Israel und Palästina

Konfliktstoff trotz Friedensquells - die vergebene Chance einer nachhaltigen und gerechten Lösung

ISBN: 978-3-86956-035-9
273 pages
Release year 2010

Series: Horizonte 21 / Umwelt - Energie - Sicherheit , 2


Water is rare at the Middle East and becomes more and more a matter of political conflicts in the already instable region. The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a serious noticeable example of this development: water as a hard-fought human right, water as a strategic mean of the politics of occupation and water as a matter of protracted negotiations. The battles for water are as old as the Middle East conflict itself. Even with the beginning of the Oslo-Process in 1993 there has not been a fundamental change containing the water conflict. After all, the Palestinians in the actual situation can administrate their own water supply, where they are allowed to concern the accords. But this freedom is strictly confined and a clarification of the controversial subject, together with Jerusalem, the refugees, the settlements and the building of the state were adjusted to the negotiations of the permanent status. Chadi Bahouth, alumnus of the Otto-Suhr-Institute (Free University Berlin), inspects in his doctoral thesis the reasons for the unsolved water politics. He analyses the historical and judicial chronology of the conflict, offers proposals for solution and explains, why the region will not be steadied for generations, nevertheless.

Water is rare at the Middle East and becomes more and more a matter of political conflicts in the already instable region. The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a serious noticeable example of this development: water as a hard-fought human right, water as a strategic mean of the politics of occupation and water as a matter of protracted negotiations. The battles for water are as old as the Middle East conflict itself. Even with the beginning of the Oslo-Process in 1993 there has not been a fundamental change containing the water conflict. After all, the Palestinians in the actual situation can administrate their own water supply, where they are allowed to concern the accords. But this freedom is strictly confined and a clarification of the controversial subject, together with Jerusalem, the refugees, the settlements and the building of the state were adjusted to the negotiations of the permanent status. Chadi Bahouth, alumnus of the Otto-Suhr-Institute (Free University Berlin), inspects in his doctoral thesis the reasons for the unsolved water politics. He analyses the historical and judicial chronology of the conflict, offers proposals for solution and explains, why the region will not be steadied for generations, nevertheless.