Christoph Meinel, Michael Galbas, Andreas Dengel, Wendlandt Matthias

Konzeption eines integrativen Schulfaches „Digitale Welt“ für hessische Schulen

ISBN: 978-3-86956-582-8
34 pages
Release year 2024

Series: Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universität Potsdam , 160


In order to impart an understanding of computer science processes at an early stage at school, the new computer science subject Digital World was designed for year 5, which combines computer science with application-related and socially relevant references to ecology and economics in a way that is unique in Germany. The Technical Report provides guidance on the introduction of the new subject.

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In order to impart an understanding of computer science processes at an early stage at school, the new computer science subject Digital World was designed for year 5, which combines computer science with application-related and socially relevant references to ecology and economics in a way that is unique in Germany. The Technical Report provides guidance on the introduction of the new subject.