Operating Systems II – Student Projects

ISBN: 978-3-86956-524-8
123 pages
Release year 2023

Series: Technische Berichte des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Softwaresystemtechnik an der Universität Potsdam , 142


This technical report presents the results of student projects which were prepared during the lecture “Operating Systems II” offered by the “Operating Systems and Middleware” group at HPI in the Summer term of 2020. The lecture covered advanced aspects of operating system implementation and architecture on topics such as Virtualization, File Systems and Input/Output Systems. In addition to attending the lecture, the participating students were encouraged to gather practical experience by completing a project on a closely related topic over the course of the semester. The results of 10 selected exceptional projects are covered in this report.
The students have completed hands-on projects on the topics of Operating System Design Concepts and Implementation, Hardware/Software Co-Design, Reverse Engineering, Quantum Computing, Static Source-Code Analysis, Operating Systems History, Application Binary Formats and more. It should be recognized that over the course of the semester all of these projects have achieved outstanding results which went far beyond the scope and the expec- tations of the lecture, and we would like to thank all participating students for their commitment and their effort in completing their respective projects, as well as their work on compiling this report.
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This technical report presents the results of student projects which were prepared during the lecture “Operating Systems II” offered by the “Operating Systems and Middleware” group at HPI in the Summer term of 2020. The lecture covered advanced aspects of operating system implementation and architecture on topics such as Virtualization, File Systems and Input/Output Systems. In addition to attending the lecture, the participating students were encouraged to gather practical experience by completing a project on a closely related topic over the course of the semester. The results of 10 selected exceptional projects are covered in this report.
The students have completed hands-on projects on the topics of Operating System Design Concepts and Implementation, Hardware/Software Co-Design, Reverse Engineering, Quantum Computing, Static Source-Code Analysis, Operating Systems History, Application Binary Formats and more. It should be recognized that over the course of the semester all of these projects have achieved outstanding results which went far beyond the scope and the expec- tations of the lecture, and we would like to thank all participating students for their commitment and their effort in completing their respective projects, as well as their work on compiling this report.