In September 2008 the ‚Potsdamer Lateintag‘ took place for the fourth time. At the same time the second topic of the ‚Brandenburger Antike-Denkwerk‘, a project funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation, was presented: “o tempora. o mores. Relevance and relativity of values”. Nowadays, when the discussion ofmoral values has become relevant again, one is often looking at values of the ancient world but without thorough examination. In an attempt to differentiate themselves from other cultures or political/social systems politicians and social scientists go back to the common intellectual and cultural history of Europe. In this project the distinctivenessof the Roman values was to be examined: What was the meaning of the so called mos maiorum? How could these values be passed on over such a long time? How did they ‚work‘? What was the reason for the much lamented decline of the values in the late republic? Can we even compare these values with ours? In this volume you can find the lectures from the Lateintag given by Prof. Dr. Chr. Kunst and Prof. Dr. M. Janka as well as reports on the whole project and on some of the schoolprojects.