Nathanael Riemer, Evi Butzer, Alexander Dubrau, Elvira Grözinger, Hans-Michael Haußig, Brigitte Heidenhain, Tim Hess, Daniel Jütte, Martha Keil, Vera Oelbracht, Manfred Voigts, Eberhard Wolff, Janina Wurbs
Nathanael Riemer (eds.)

Kislev-Tevet 5765 / Dezember 2004

56 pages
Release year 2005

Series: PaRDeS : Zeitschrift der Vereinigung für Jüdische Studien e.V. , 9


The journal aims at documenting the fruitful and multifarious culture of Judaism as well as its relations to its environment within diverse areas of research. In addition, the journal is meant to promote Jewish Studies within academic discourse and discuss its historic and social responsibility.

The journal aims at documenting the fruitful and multifarious culture of Judaism as well as its relations to its environment within diverse areas of research. In addition, the journal is meant to promote Jewish Studies within academic discourse and discuss its historic and social responsibility.