Ursula Gärtner, Stefan Büttner-von Stülpnagel, Brunhild Glockemann, Mirja Hamann, Alexander Hof, Stephanie Hoffmann, Birthe Neuber, Philipp Okonek, Benjamin Preiß, Cindy Reinhardt, Hagen Söchting, Claudia Tiersch
Ursula Gärtner (eds.)

www.BrAnD2. Würde.

Zweites Brandenburger Antike-Denkwerk

ISBN: 978-3-86956-400-5
241 pages
Release year 2018

Series: Potsdamer Lateintage , 9


The objective of the ‚Zweites Brandenburger Antike-Denkwerk‘ is the close cooperation of the Classical Philology at the University of Potsdam and five selected schools from Brandenburg. In 2015/6 the topic was ‚Würde‘ (dignity). Prof. Dr. Claudia Tiersch and PD Dr. Stefan Büttner-von Stülpnagel outlined first aspects on the Potsdamer Lateintag. In the following months pupils worked on the topic in different projects under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ursula Gärtner. This volume contains all those contributions.

The objective of the ‚Zweites Brandenburger Antike-Denkwerk‘ is the close cooperation of the Classical Philology at the University of Potsdam and five selected schools from Brandenburg. In 2015/6 the topic was ‚Würde‘ (dignity). Prof. Dr. Claudia Tiersch and PD Dr. Stefan Büttner-von Stülpnagel outlined first aspects on the Potsdamer Lateintag. In the following months pupils worked on the topic in different projects under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ursula Gärtner. This volume contains all those contributions.