Corinna Meyer, Susan Ott, Judith Heide , Tom Fritzsche
Corinna Meyer; Susan Ott; Judith Heide; Tom Fritzsche (eds.)

Schwerpunktthema: Schluck für Schluck

Dysphagietherapie bei Kindern und Erwachsenen

ISBN: 978-3-86956-199-8
160 pages
Release year 2012

Series: Spektrum Patholinguistik , 5


The ‘Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik’ is an annual conference organized by the Association for Patholinguistics (Verband für Patholinguistik
e.V./vpl) since 2007. The anniversary event on November 19th, 2011 in Potsdam marked both the 5th edition of this conference series and the
10th birthday of the vpl. The main topic of the meeting was “Sip by sip: Dysphagia therapy in children and adults”. These proceedings contain
the papers from the invited talks and the abstracts of the poster presentations.

The ‘Herbsttreffen Patholinguistik’ is an annual conference organized by the Association for Patholinguistics (Verband für Patholinguistik
e.V./vpl) since 2007. The anniversary event on November 19th, 2011 in Potsdam marked both the 5th edition of this conference series and the
10th birthday of the vpl. The main topic of the meeting was “Sip by sip: Dysphagia therapy in children and adults”. These proceedings contain
the papers from the invited talks and the abstracts of the poster presentations.